
This creative & energetic soul was a pleasure to work with for the last 6 months! Kaege’s main diagnosis was amblyopia, or lazy eye. In his case, although his “student” eye doesn’t turn (that’s strabismus, a sometimes-separate diagnosis), it doesn’t see as clearly as his dominant eye. A lot of times, for someone with amblyopia, both eyes have trouble moving and focusing accurately, too.

Well, we had FUN moving with Kaege! In fact, a lot of our program worked on his control of his whole body so we could establish a good foundation for those fine motor eye movements.

His mother noted early on that he was less accident prone and his balance was getting better with practice. Later, she noticed that he was more aware of his surroundings and could read faster and for a longer time.

Although these are only a few of the things Kaege accomplished, we’re very proud of the progress he has made. Great job, Kaege! And many blessings going forward.